Copyright Disclaimer

  is a blog that features materials protected by the fair use guidelines of section 107 of the copyright act for the purposes of making criticism, comment, reporting, teaching, research, and scholarship and may be based on facts, world history, world news, and incidents happening all over the world. If the images used in this blog is copyrighted, which may be accidental or may not be commercial use, please inform the owner of the blog in the contact form, priorly to take down the copyrighted materials as this blog has no intention to use the copyrighted material for the business or any other use. The blog is ready to make a deal if it needs which is affordable, which may be benefited for both parties for preventing the issues of copyright infringement complaints. Once again, the content in this blog is a dream and it is also known as "DREAMING BLOG"


  1. A Copyright Disclaimer is nothing but a legal statement to safeguard an original work or content against fraud or theft. This disclaimer acts like a warning to lower the risks of publishing original content in front of the audience on a public forum. Such a disclaimer protects the works of an individual from fraudulence.


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