freshly squeezed orange juice

               In the united states, by the 1930's, the citrus fruit production surpassed the demand for fresh fruit, stimulating the development of several of citrus products, and, by 1976, more than 90% of Florida's orange crop was used for orange juice production. Today, orange juice has been American's most frequently consumed fruit serving. I am advising the commercial orange juice consumers to purchase frozen concentrates and to drink the juice within a week of its preparation.

Health benefits of fruits and vegetables

               The active phytochemicals present in these foods, including nutrient and non-nutrient compounds, possess detoxifying, immuno-stimulating,  anti-viral, anti-cancer, and anti-oxidant properties. Many scientists believe that oxidative damage plays a key role in cardiovascular disease, cancer initiation, cataract formation, inflammatory diseases, neurologic disorders, and the ageing process.

Health benefits of ORANGE JUICE

              The antioxidants present in orange juice protect against oxidative damage by neutralizing the highly reactive chemical species that propagate the oxidative damage. Fruits provide twice the antioxidant activity of vegetables per serving. Among the different fruits, berries, plums, grapes, and oranges show the highest antioxidant capacity per serving.

  • Do you know that the anti-oxidant capacity of citrus is attributed to vitamin C and Flavonoids?
  • Fresh orange juice is a concentrated source of vitamin C, containing 50% more than a single orange and the antioxidant capacity of fresh orange juice is higher than that of a single orange.
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice retains 98% of its vitamin C content in the active form and in freshly squeezed orange juice, a low rate of vitamin C oxidation will be observed.
  • During food processing and preparation, most of the vitamin C was detected as dehydroascorbic acid, which is the oxidized form indicative of vitamin C destruction. So try to consume freshly prepared orange juice because more than 75% of the vitamin C in chilled orange juice were oxidized.
  • Do you know the limonoids present in the orange juice is responsible for the bitter taste and these substances exhibit cancer chemo-preventive properties which will inhibit the proliferation of several human cancer cells, including leukaemia, ovary, cervix, stomach, liver, and breast?
  • Don't consume the orange juice which is stored in the plastic containers because this may affect the health benefits associated with orange juice consumption. My advice is to consume the whole fruit for its dietary fibre.

                According to the USDA (United States Dietary Association), it recommends two fruit servings per day. For the optimal intake of vitamin C, it is too good to consume either freshly prepared juice or frozen juice prepared just prior to consumption.

