A best way to fight for corruption free nation

         Everyone will have a dream that they want to live in a corruption free, developed nation. Many countries are still on the list of an underdeveloped nation. In these countries, there is still no proper medical and transportation facilities. Many young lions will have the courage and fire to fight against corruption, which is the main hurdle for the countries development. They will do fasting and will raise their voice against the government and may even block the main road to show their protest against the ruling party. In the end, nothing will happen.

         Many social activists will fight for the rights of their people. A social activist is a person who is patriotic to his country and may even sacrifice anything for their country. Due to their protest against the government, many politicians will threaten him to stop the protest. The recent survey says that in many underdeveloped and developing nation, the life of journalists and social activist are at risk. The incidence of threatening is also high in these countries.

          First of all, you want to know that who are all responsible for the country's development. The businessman, the government employees and the person who takes government work like building the bridge, etc., We must think that who has the power to control these persons. Absolutely, the answer is the politicians. If we have good politicians, then we have the better society.

         The clock works 24 hours without rest. We the youngsters are the fuel to ignite the fire. The earth revolves because if it stops revolving, it is impossible to make a living on this planet. So work fearlessly to make a good nation.

