To know about recent updates on diabetes and hypertension
           Now I'm going to tell about some lifestyle tips and some knowledge about diabetes and hypertension. Before going to the topic, you want to know about some terminology. Let see below;

* RECEPTOR - a structure on the surface of a cell that selectively receives and binds a specific substance.

* TRIGLYCERIDES - It is the main constituent of natural fats and oil.

* ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE - It is the progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old age, due to generalised degeneration of the brain.

              Okay, fine. Many doctors will check for blood pressure and sometimes blood sugar. If they found pre-diabetic or pre-hypertension signs, they will advise you to change your lifestyle. But today, most research indicates that lifestyle modification alone will not control diabetes or hypertension. So the research council recommends the doctors to start early medicine intake to keep the risk level at low.

               Do you know, what is resistant hypertension? Let me tell you, it is nothing but within less than four days, if blood pressure(BP) is not controlled, it is said as resistant hypertension.

* if 60 years old, BP threshold should be 150/90 mmHg, if not lifestyle modification and medication are necessary.

* <60 years, 140/90mmHg is the target to achieve by the medication.

* INSULIN - It is a hormone which reduces the blood glucose level and stores them in the body tissues.

                 Normally, Indian's have high insulin resistance and this leads to the cause of diabetes in younger age groups, which is when compared with the American's. Insulin resistance may be a cause of the cardiovascular disease. High intake of high energy fat diet, low dietary fibres are found to be one of the causes of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

                During the stage of pre-diabetes, patients will have insulin resistance. In diabetes, there will be increased cholesterol in the blood, these cholesterol components in the blood will be more dangerous to health and it affects the cardiovascular system and other organs in the body. Smoking, high triglycerides in blood is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

                At present, doctors are not recommending to follow lifestyle modification for the early diagnosis of diabetes and hypertension, because triglycerides are not only a risk factor but it is a risk marker for many other diseases. So they are insisting the patients take medication at its early stage.

                 Know about new updates on the types of diabetes. In the 19th century, diabetes is classified into 2 types. They are type 1 diabetes, caused by insufficient secretion of insulin in our body. Type 2 diabetes is caused due to insulin receptor defect as I mentioned in the terminology. Type 3 diabetes, which is associated with the Alzheimer's disease. Type 4 diabetes - it is diabetes in thin individuals who are in OLD AGE GROUP and they will not gain weight as in other types of diabetes. It is actually a type 2 diabetes in thin individuals who are in older age groups.

                25% OF DEMENTIA (progressive loss of memory) IS CAUSED BY DIABETES.

                So prevention is better than cure. Please comment below...

