To know about national immunization schedule in IND

                Do you know what is immunization? Feel free, I will explain you. By nature, god gave us the natural defense mechanism against the infective organisms, foreign body,etc., In medical field, we call it as active immunity. This immunity is produced in our body. But some organisms will be more resistant to our own immunity, so in such conditions, we will give the passive immunity. The drawback of this immunity is that it will cure the disease but the immunity has short temporary duration. So after that if the organism infect again, we will be sick.

              Next, you want to know is the term called vaccine. It is nothing but an immuno-biological substance which is given to protect against a specific disease. Vaccines are many types and there are separate or combined vaccines for more than one specific disease.

            Before knowing the immunization schedule, you want to know about some diseases.

* poliomyelitis - oral polio vaccine
* severe forms of tuberculosis - BCG vaccine
* hepatitis B virus - Hepatitis B vaccine
* DPT - a combined vaccine for the diseases Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
* MMR -Measles, Mumps, Rubella
* vitamin A
* JE Live vaccine - for the disease Japanese encephalitis
* TT - you all know TT injection (tetanus toxoid) which is for Tetanus.

         Okay, now we can go to the national immunization schedule in IND.

* at birth - BCG, OPV, HepB(all are zero dose)
* at 6 weeks - DPT, OPV, HepB(all are first dose)
* at 10 weeks - DPT, OPV, HepB(all are second dose)
* at 14 weeks - DPT, OPV, HepB(all are third dose)
* at 9 months completed - measles, vitamin A(1 lac IU)
* 16-24 months - DPT & OPV(booster dose), JE vaccine, vitaminA(2 lac IU)

VITAMIN A should be given every 6 months until the age of 5 years.

* at 5-6 years - DPT(booster dose)
* at 10 years - TT
* at 16 years - TT

For pregnant women - TT and TT(second dose) with one month apart.

             Please consult with your physician for a current update about immunization...

               I hope this will be useful for your life, please comment...!

